Meet the Bikes

Indego is Philadelphia's bike share system, offering riders access to over 2,000 bikes and three unique bike models suited to meet a variety of transportation needs. Manufactured by TREK, Indego bikes are built for comfort, durability and fun. While Indego bikes have evolved over time, every Indego bike is equipped with the following features: 

Whether you're looking for a quick ride around the city or a more leisurely adventure, Indego has a bike for you! 

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Indego Classic Bikes

Indego classic bikes are great for new riders or riders who are just getting back in the saddle. At no additional cost to use, classic bikes require less experience than the pedal-assisted electric bikes and are an excellent choice if you're hoping to get in a quick workout or riding on flat terrain.

Indego 1.0 Bike

The inaugural Indego 1.0 bike, first deployed at the system launch, exclusively has two storage baskets compared to its Indego bike counterparts. An additional rear basket for extra storage and a narrower front basket that’s great for drinks or smaller bags.  

Classic 1.0 Indego Bike
Classic 1.0 Indego Bike

Indego 2.0 Bike

The Indego 2.0 bike is the newer and sleeker model of its predecessor. These bicycles are lighter and feature a unique “clam shell” style front basket that can retract to fit more storage. When closed the basket tension will securely hold your items in place when riding on bumpier terrain.

Additionally, the handlebar bell available to the rider’s left, was ergonomically integrated to allow use by simply turning your wrist on the dial while riding.  

Classic 2.0 Indego Bike
Classic 2.0 Indego Bike

Indego Electric

Boost your ride and add some kick to your commute! Indego electric bikes feature an optional pedal assist that amplifies your effort without breaking a sweat. Developed in partnership with Bosch, Indego electric bikes are one of the most sustainable means of transportation and play a central role in the future of non-vehicular mobility in Philadelphia. For an additional per minute fee, passholders can unlock Indego electric bikes at any available station. Perfect for climbing hills, keeping up with traffic, covering more ground in less time, and turning the headwinds into tailwinds!  

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Community Partner Bikes

Community Partner Bikes are are specially designed in collaboration with local organizations to help spread awareness about their programs and public resources, in addition to celebrating the amazing creativity of artist within Philadelphia! 

Walls for Justice Bike

The Walls for Justice Bike wrapped bike was a collaborative approach with the Philadelphia-based nonprofit Walls for Justice. The design was created with the help of participants from the Waterfront Group Ride who were given the prompt to create art that reflected their experience with cycling. The pieces were then digitized and stylized by local artist, Lindsey Gill.

Read more about the work that has gone into adding this bike to our fleet in our blog about the collaboration.

Philly Pride Bike

The Philly Pride Bike was debuted at the Philadelphia Pride Parade on June 9th of 2019. Working with the Philadelphia Office of LGBT Affairs, we wanted to have a bike that encompassed the support of not only Indego but also of Philadelphia and Independence Blue Cross for the LGBTQIA+ community.

You can read an interview with Alison Cohen, the CEO of Bicycle Transit Systems and Amber Hikes the Executive Director of Philadelphia’s Office of LGBT Affairs here.

Currently we have two versions of our Philly Pride Bike a classic 1.0 and an Indego Electric version.

How to Find a Bike

Download the Indego Mobile App or check the online station map for real-time bike type and dock availability at a station before arrival, as additional nearby stations may have more favorable bike type availability.  

Indego's Station Map
Indego's Station Map


Is there a difference between the blue and white electric bikes?

On what part of the street should I ride an Indego electric bike?

What do I do if I have an issue with a bike?

What does a red dock light mean when attempting to unlock a bike with my Indego Key?

How do I know if the bike has properly docked, and my trip has ended?

How do I know if a bike is unlocked from a dock?

What do I do if my bike is lost or stolen?

What do I do if I find an abandoned Indego bike?

How does Indego prevent bikes from being lost or stolen?

What should I do if I encounter stations with reoccurring issues with bike or bike type availability?

What do I do if I accidentally unlocked an electric bike thinking it was a classic bike?

How do I differentiate between an Indego classic and electric bike?

Is Indego adding more electric bikes to the fleet? Classic bikes?

How much does it cost to use an Indego electric bike?

How much does the Indego electric bike weigh?

How old do I have to be to ride an Indego electric bike?

What do I do if an Indego electric bike runs out of battery while I’m riding?

Does the electric bike still work if the battery dies?

How long does the battery last?

How fast does the electric bike go?

How do I find and check out an Indego bike?