The Better Bike Share Partnership (BBSP) is an effort led by the City of Philadelphia that works to ensure that Indego bike share is accessible to all Philadelphians. The Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia is a nonprofit advocacy and education organization working as part of the Better Bike Share Partnership to support bike share and biking education. The Better Bike Share Partnership is funded by the JPB Foundation.
By Brenda Hernandez
This year, the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia and Indego teamed up to create a series of monthly community rides.
The Indego Monthly Ride Series help communities practice more on in city biking and connects participants to green spaces; these rides help community members feel more comfortable riding in through the city from their neighborhoods, get to know different parts of Philadelphia parks and recreational services, while learning how to use a healthier source of transportation that is Indego.

This past month, the BBSP team led community participants on a historic tour from Parkside neighborhood into the West Fairmount Park. The team met community members who had sign up for the event through the Indego page on the Monthly Ride Series, at Parkside and Girard Indego station. Before the start of the ride, community participants were given a brief urban basic biking class. The urban riding basics class talked about being safety and gives healthy tips, preparing community participants before the start of the ride so they feel more comfortable riding.

After preparing community members with the urban biking basics, the BBSP team took the group and start the ride leading them to the West Fairmount Park Trail, where participants strolled to the Cherry Blossom field then rode and passed by next to the amazing Japanese House and lead a brief stop to stretch and experience the amazing “whispering walls” at the Avenue of the Republic, the end of the bike ride community participants rode back into the station and where really enthusiastic about the next group ride.
The Bicycle Coalition’s Better Bike Share team would like to thank everyone who has come to each monthly ride. These rides have created connections while increasing healthy living and helped participants increase their knowledge on riding and invite other communities.
Our ride series is on the third Saturday of every month, reserve your spot today for the last one of the season!
Ride Series September 23rd

Biking is one of my daily exercise every morning with the one I love. Going to the nearest park and buy some snacks to eat. Now, biking is my new hobby.