
Trip Data

The City of Philadelphia and its partners at Bicycle Transit Systems are pleased to share anonymized Indego trip data with the public. The privacy of Indego passholders and users is very important to us, and information won’t be released unless the City can ensure that the identities of individuals or groups cannot be discerned and that their privacy is not compromised.

Toss it, flip it, turn it inside out, combine it with your own or someone else’s data! Tell us how many trips happened in the rain, or after midnight, or below 50 degrees – we want your help to delve into the data and reveal the hidden gems of understanding that will allow us to make Indego the best it can be.

Data Format

Each .csv file contains data for one quarter of the year. Each file contains the following data points:

  • trip_id: Locally unique integer that identifies the trip
  • duration: Length of trip in minutes
  • start_time: The date/time when the trip began, presented in ISO 8601 format in local time
  • end_time: The date/time when the trip ended, presented in ISO 8601 format in local time
  • start_station: The station ID where the trip originated (for station name and more information on each station see the Station Table)
  • start_lat: The latitude of the station where the trip originated
  • start_lon: The longitude of the station where the trip originated
  • end_station: The station ID where the trip terminated (for station name and more information on each station see the Station Table)
  • end_lat: The latitude of the station where the trip terminated
  • end_lon: The longitude of the station where the trip terminated
  • bike_id:  Locally unique integer that identifies the bike
  • plan_duration: The number of days that the plan the passholder is using entitles them to ride; 0 is used for a single ride plan (Walk-up)
  • trip_route_category: “Round Trip” for trips starting and ending at the same station or “One Way” for all other trips
  • passholder_type: The name of the passholder’s plan
  • bike_type: The kind of bike used on the trip, including standard pedal-powered bikes or electric assist bikes

Data Processing

Data will be cleansed prior to publication according to the following criteria:

  • Staff servicing and test trips are removed.
  • Trips below 1 minute are removed.
  • A “Virtual Station” listed in the checkout and return kiosks, is used by staff to check in or check out a bike remotely for a special event or in a situation in which a bike could not otherwise be checked in or out to a station.
  • Trip lengths are capped at 24 hours.
  • Some short round trips or long trips may be the result of system or user error, but have been kept in the dataset for completeness.

Station Information

Data Format

  • Station ID: Unique integer that identifies the station (this is the same ID used in the Trips and Station Status data)
  • Station Name: The public name of the station. “Virtual Station” is used by staff to check in or check out a bike remotely for a special event or in a situation in which a bike could not otherwise be checked in or out to a station.
  • Go live date: The date that the station was first available
  • Status: “Active” for stations available or “Inactive” for stations that are not available as of the latest update

Station Status

Live station location and status information from Indego is available in the following formats: