Each month, The Better Bike Share Partnership (BBSP) hosts a themed group ride that is intended to familiarize Philadelphians with Indego and introduce folks to different resources all over the city. Last month, riders were invited to join us at the Smith Memorial Arch in Fairmount Park for a picnic and live entertainment!
This ride was special for several reasons! The Indego monthly rides are typically held on weekends but this event was held on a Tuesday as a way to give individuals who work on the weekends an opportunity to join the fun.
Participants met at the Indego station at Parkside & Belmont, had a quick lesson on bicycle safety, and rode around Concourse Lake, ending at Smith Memorial Arch where a delicious picnic was waiting for them.

In addition to providing a free picnic in the park, the participants were treated to a 30-minute hip-hop breakdancing performance by the group, Philly Surfers who are part of the non-profit, Project Positive. The performers were made up of adults and children between the ages of 6 and 17.
Damien “Dinksworth” Holley, the founder and lead dance coach of Project Positive and the Philly Surfers, created this non-profit as a way to engage his community in the art of dance and to provide a safe and educational space for youth to get together and build relationships and community with one another.
This event was one of our favorites; the weather was beautiful for a bike ride around the historic West Fairmount Park and the picnic and dance performance were truly unforgettable!
The BBSP team is dedicated to introducing communities all around Philadelphia to bike share. Join us! These group rides are free and open to the public and happen once a month from April to October! To find more information about our upcoming classes, as well as future group rides, visit our website at www.rideindego.com/classes.
This blog was written by Yasha Zarrinkelk, Community Liaison at the Bicycle Coalition Of Greater Philadelphia.
The Better Bike Share Partnership (BBSP) is an effort led by the City of Philadelphia that works to ensure that Indego bike share is accessible to all Philadelphians. The Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia is a nonprofit advocacy and education organization working as part of the Better Bike Share Partnership to support bike share and biking education. The Better Bike Share Partnership is funded by The JPB Foundation.
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