Indego Featured on New Mural ‘A Community of Champions’

The finished mural is colorful and eye-catching, featuring numerous South Philly-specific details such as Rocky, the Italian Market, Termini Bros Bakery, and an interactive way to vote for the best South Philly Cheesesteak.

Andre told us, “This mural has so many hidden gems! Anyone viewing the mural should look out for the little girl strolling and enjoying a water ice. I added her to the mural to pay homage to Norman Rockwell’s painting “The Problem We All Live With,” in which he highlights Ruby Bridges’ courageous walk to school on that November day. I used the same composition he did to highlight a black girl appreciating some water ice and relishing her freedom. You can also find different South Philly staple institutions sprinkled throughout, such as the Marian Anderson Museum, Fleisher Art Memorial, and the Italian Immigration Museum in the mural.”

Both Andre and Keisha shared what they learned from this experience. Andre told us that he was “shocked to learn that South Philadelphia has many thriving family-owned businesses that have served its people for decades” and that during his time painting the mural, “many individuals came up to us and expressed their gratitude and appreciation for the artwork going up in their neighborhood. It made me feel like we truly made the neighborhood proud.”

Keisha shared similar sentiments: “What surprised me most was the community’s response. I knew that we were creating something special: a mural to make the community feel ‘seen,’ but when strangers come up to you while working and say ‘thank you’ with a truly heartfelt voice, it hits my heart differently. The amount of love we received was confirmation that we were doing something special and that our aim was being fulfilled.”

The Indego team is thrilled to support Fulton Bank and Custom Arts Studio in capturing the spirit of South Philadelphia, and we are grateful to be part of this inclusive and impactful mural.

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