Over the past seven years, Indego bike share has provided Philadelphians access to bikes throughout the city, growing its fleets to more than 190 stations and 1,900 bikes. The City of Philadelphia’s Office of Transportation, Infrastructure, and Sustainability and Indego have run a successful Community Ambassador Program for several years as a way to connect more communities to bike share. Keep reading to learn more about our 2023 Community Ambassador Program and how you can apply!
Are You interested in Connecting Your Community to Indego?
Are you a community leader, advocate, or just someone who cares about your neighborhood? Do you know some hidden gems or green spaces that your community members can ride to? If the answer to these questions is yes, you should apply for the 2023 Indego Community Ambassador Program!
The theme for the 2023 Season is “Confidence to Ride with Indego.” Our goal this season is to work with Community Ambassadors to connect folks across the city with a bike-riding experience and support to help set them on the path of confident riding. The focus will be on providing the tools needed for communities to ride safely and find bike trails and green spaces while boosting the signal on Indego’s expansion and how your community can be a part of the conversation.
More Details About the 2023 Indego Community Ambassador Program:
Responsibilities: Community Ambassadors organize group rides, participate in outreach and community forums, and serve as the Indego voice for their community.
Requirements: Applicant should belong to a non-profit community organization that holds a leadership role in their community. Must be able to plan/attend approximately one event per month from April to October, and have strong ties to neighborhoods bounded by 52nd St, Lehigh Ave, Oregon Ave, and the Delaware River.
Benefits: Each organization will receive a financial stipend for their work ($2,500 with an opportunity to apply for up to $500.00 of grant funds), a free Indego30 monthly pass for the duration of the season, and the opportunity to help grow and shape Indego bike share!
Deadline to apply: March 10th
About Us
Philadelphia’s bike share program, Indego, launched in 2015 and has grown to 190 stations and 1,900 bikes (electric and classic) and currently extends from Lehigh to Oregon and from the Delaware River to 53rd street in the west. There are also stations in East Falls and in the Navy Yard. Indego is an initiative of the City of Philadelphia, is operated by Bicycle Transit Systems, a Philadelphia-based company, and is overseen by the City’s Office of Transportation, Infrastructure, and Sustainability (OTIS).
The City of Philadelphia is one of the founding partners of the Better Bike Share Partnership, a national initiative aimed at improving equitable access to bike share and other forms of shared micro-mobility. The Better Bike Share Partnership is an initiative funded by the JPB Foundation.
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