In honor of #MuralArtsMonth Indego is launching a social media contest #MuralsontheGo! We’ve noticed so many of you tweeting and posting on Instagram every time you find a Candy Coated Mural Arts bike (because they’re gorgeous right?) and we LOVE IT! So, we thought we would reward the top notch passholder that can find the most Mural Arts bikes– the fastest!
Here’s how it works: Take a photo of as many different Candy Coated Mural Arts bikes as possible and share them to Twitter or Instagram. The first contestant to snap a photo of 15 out of the 20 Mural Arts bikes wins. No repeat bikes allowed!
Rules: Must be an active Indego passholder
Must be following @RideIndego on Instagram and Twitter
Caption must include “ #/20 @RideIndego+the bike number+#MuralsontheGo”
Contest Dates: October 17th-31st*Photos taken before 12:00am October 17th are not eligible.
Pro tip: The bike number is on the left hand side of the bike (the same side as the kick stand) near the pedal. The photo must include the entire bike (front wheel to back wheel)
Winners: A $50 gift certificate redeemable at Prohibition Taproom, Bufad Pizza, Cafe Lift or Kensington Quarters, a two week extension on your Indego pass, a limited edition t-shirt and bag full of Indego swag mailed to their home. The winner will be drawn Tuesday November 1st!
Example of a valid entry:
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