Help Shape the Future of Bike Share: Become an Indego Expansion Liaison

The Indego team is beginning to plan for system expansion in 2021, with plans to more than double in size by 2025. To help in this effort Indego is seeking support from key community members to serve as Indego Expansion Liaisons for the upcoming expansion of the program. 

Indego Expansion Liaisons will serve as advisers to help engage West Philadelphia (ex. Walnut Hill, Garden Court, Cedar Park, Mill Creek) and parts of South Philadelphia (ex. Point Breeze, Gray’s Ferry, Mifflin Square). Liaisons will help create a space for community voices to be heard and introduce bike share as an equitable, high quality, reliable, affordable, and healthy transportation option. 


Apply for a Better Bike Share Partnership Mini-Grant!

Indego and the Better Bike Share Partnership are awarding a limited number of mini-grants up to $500 to support community-based organizations as they prepare for the upcoming winter season!

Who can apply?

Grants will be awarded only to registered non-profit organizations that are doing direct service in the current Indego service area. The funding will be used for purchasing essential goods for community distribution, (food, school supplies, PPE, etc.) and other resources your organization may need during this current health crisis.

How to apply:

Download the application form and email it to the Indego Community Coordinator, Stephanie Ridgeway, at You can also contact her with any questions you may have about this opportunity! Applications must be received by 5 PM on Wednesday, November 18th.

Program Spotlight: Changing Gears

Summer is about to end, and yet it feels as if summer never really started. Philadelphians are figuring out how to safely attend school, arrange for daycare, commute to work, and much more. What we do know is that virtual programming is here to stay! Going digital allows for our riders to still connect, share experiences, and build their cycling skills while being socially distant.  In collaboration with our partners at the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia (BCGP), Indego is now hosting a new, online community event designed to let you share your story, struggles, and ideas about biking during this re-entry phase.


Riding Through This Together

It’s been over five months since the coronavirus pandemic changed the way we go about our everyday lives. During this time, we learned how to live with face masks, how to use Zoom and Skype, and above all: how to stay safe. Here is an overview of how Indego has kept the system running, worked to keep riders informed, and found ways to engage with our community during the COVID-19 health crisis.


Introducing the 2020 BBSP Community Liaisons

Lor Song, Community Liaison for the Better Bike Share Partnership

Each season, the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia (BCGP) brings on Community Liaisons to support the work of the Better Bike Share Partnership (BBSP) in Philadelphia. In this blog, you will learn more about the two new liaisons and how they have been able to amplify BBSP’s reach during this time with our virtual Urban Riding Basics classes!


“From the Root to the Fruit,” a Celebration of Black Fatherhood

Indego, and the Better Bike Share Partnership team are dedicated to building relationships and learning from the communities it serves. As part of these efforts, it is essential we not only stand with but help amplify the voices of the individuals who are at the frontlines of advocacy to dismantle anti-black sentiment and the barriers created by institutional racism. Voices such as DeWayne Drummond, President of the Mantua Civic Association, and a previous Indego Community Ambassador, are hard at work to address these issues.
