Your Guide to Indego’s 2022 Programming

Spring is around the corner and so are our Better Bike Share Partnership free bicycle education classes and rides, hosted by Indego. This year we’re offering in-person Urban Riding Basic Classes, Learn to Ride Classes, and Featured Group Rides beginning in April and ending in October. We will be highlighting the Indego expansion locations, local green spaces, and communities that have deep roots in Philly. Keep reading to learn more about each type of class or ride and how you can participate!



Indego Staffing Updates!

In the past few weeks, we’ve had some exciting staffing updates on the Indego, City, and Bicycle Transit teams that we’d like to share with you! Indego has a new Program Manager, Waffiyyah Murray, as well as a new General Manager, Nate Bowman-Johnston. Keep reading to learn more about Waffiyyah and Nate as well as hear a word from previous Indego Program Manager, Aaron Ritz.


Join the 2022 Indego Community Ambassador Team! 

Do you see a need for a healthy, family-friendly, affordable way for your community to reconnect with the city and its resources?

Indego is built on the notion that equity and accessibility should be the cornerstone of any bike-share system.  Now in its 6th year, Indego has more than 165 stations and 1,500 bicycles across much of Philadelphia and has served nearly five million rides since its launch.  

Becoming a Community Ambassador is an amazing opportunity to educate folks about Indego and help provide a way for families and friends across Philadelphia to spend time together and reconnect. Over the past two years, our lives have been heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s why the theme for the 2022 Indego Community Ambassador season is Reconnecting Communities. ***Please note, we are no longer accepting applications for our 2022 Ambassador program due to a high volume of responses.


Celebrating the Legacy of Russell Meddin

In memory of his legacy, the station at 24th and Race has been dedicated to Russell Meddin.  

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that Indego would not exist without Russell Meddin. From the offices of his nonprofit organization, Bike Share Philadelphia, to the countless meetings he organized with bike sharing manufacturers, operators, and innovators it seemed like Russell was on a first-name basis with everyone who had anything to do with shared micro-mobility across the country, and even across the globe.


Behind the Scenes: Bringing an Indego Station to Vare Recreation Center

In late August, Indego installed a station at one of the city’s oldest recreation centers, Vare. How Indego brings new stations to a community starts with an amazing and dedicated team consisting of Bicycle Transit Systems (BTS), the City of Philadelphia, and a host of community partners. Keep reading to learn more about how the pieces came together to bring you the Indego station at 27th & Morris near Vare Recreation Center.
